In the past year, the school was able to teach two girls who were sponsored by two Dutch donors. Both we and they were very happy and grateful that they got this opportunity to study, even though their parents could not afford it. We were able to show them that they are just as important as the boys in their community and to show this to their parents.

Their second year started and unfortunately only one of them came back. The other was married off during the Christmas holidays at the age of 14. A harsh situation in which the school was built, a fact we have seen many times before and unfortunately this will not be the last time.

We are extremely grateful that the sponsor of this girl has agreed to support another girl this year. Fortunately, she also sees that this is not a wasted year or a plight that will never change. No, we also believe that every girl is one. God sees this child and if we can be a part of her life, then I hope that God will use us again and again to show each girl His love!

By sponsoring these girls you give a girl a chance to study and indirectly you give to the school. If you want to know more or want to support a girl, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..