We are grateful to share the following with you: Since the beginning of the year, the School has been able to open a bankaccount specifically for the school. Also True Grasses Trust received it's Tax Identification number (TIN) and we are working on the last documentations for the school to have Tax Identification number (TIN) too. Tax numbers are a necessity and a government requirement for any company or business registration. The school will have a Business TIN number while True Grasses will have a non profit TIN number for charities, similar to a ANBI status in the Netherlands.

Besides these two requirements, Mark has been able to do all "Teacher paper work" for the school. This documentation concerning the teachers and other staff has to be up to date. This proper administration helps the headmaster and is necessary paper work for the government pension and tax returns.

The government instructed the school to have a fence around the school property, though we didn’t have it on the priority list. The school fence became an issue to parents, however much they liked the school, they weren't sure about the security. So it became a priority. In the mean time, we have been able to purchase sprouting tree poles (that have the potential to bud out into trees, so double usage) with barbed wire. For now, all school building blocks have a fence around them with some life fence plants growing around them. We still have more ground to fence and the need to purchase more sprouting tree poles, barbed wire and thorny bushes, so we can complete the fencing thus giving security to all areas of the school property.

As for the school, we are most thankful for the students that have joined and the school staff. Besides the students that have continued to the second class of secondary, we have a growing number joining the first class of secondary of about 25 at this point. We have a few girls that are in boarding section and the majority of girls from around the neighbourhood are day scholars. We have allowed some students to study freely as most parents can't pay the fees, hoping we will find sponsors for them, but in the mean time giving them the opportunity to study.

All of this and so much more, we could not do without a great TEAM: the school staff, some who teach, cook or guard the place and keep the place clean, but all help in more activities than one to ensure the growth of the school.