Finishing classrooms No. 1 and 2:

Every step is a step, but the awe of white walls, a chalk board and school desks is what we have all been working towards: A school for the children and girls of Kisarawe! There are so many individuals, organisations, foundations and churches that have helped towards this goal and we want to thank all of you! On the picture, you see some of the men that have worked on the constructions in one way or another.

Doors and windows classroom No. 3:

With the first classrooms being done and classroom No. 3 already being roofed, the focus now is on getting doors and windows into this classroom and plastering/painting the inside. Work is on the way, but still more donations are needed in order to get the classroom ready by the end of this year. Three classrooms done will mean that two nursery classes and the sewing classes can start in January 2019!

Classrooms No. 4 - 6:

With money donated by ‘de Kiekshop’, we were able to build another classroom (No. 4) up to roofing level. Furthermore with the donations of various individuals, we were able to lay the foundations of classrooms No. 5 and 6. We keep looking for people who would like to sponsor the project and help us build the next 2 classrooms up to roofing level. At this stage of the project, every amount matters.